Venous Ultrasound

- You don’t need to do any special preparation for this treatment in most cases. If anything, you may need to remove jewelry before getting started.
- The technician or doctor will apply a gel to your skin so the transducer can make good contact and get a clear picture.
- The transducer will then be used to send sound waves into your body. Those waves bounce back to the transducer and the computer is able to turn the array of waves into an image that can be used to potentially spot blood clots.
Following Up After your venous ultrasound, the images collected will be reviewed by a radiologist. This individual will create a report for your doctor, and the doctor can then discuss those findings with you and talk about how you will move forward with treatment. It’s possible that another venous ultrasound will be scheduled in the future to take another look and see if anything has changed. If you have any questions along the way, either before or after your test, feel free to ask your doctor and get all the information you need. It’s always good to be educated about your own healthcare so you can make confident, informed decisions. We’d Love to Help Venous ultrasound is just one of many services offered by Beverly Hills Cardiovascular. Some of the many other services we provide include stress echocardiography, nuclear stress test, treadmill exercise stress test, and more. To learn more about what we can offer, or to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Thank you for stopping by!