Preoperative Testing And Clearance

Preoperative testing and clearance are an important step for many people as they prepare to have surgery performed. Even if your heart is not directly involved in the upcoming procedure, there can be stresses placed on your heart by undergoing surgery. If your doctor would like to have some screening performed to clear you for surgery, contact Beverly Hills Cardiovascular right away to schedule your appointment.
The Big Picture
As a patient, it is easy to get caught up in the current moment when tending to your health needs. For instance, you might have gone in to see your doctor because your knee was hurting. After some scans and other tests, it is determined that you need a knee replacement. While that’s a big procedure with a significant recovery, it does offer you the light at the end of the tunnel of pain-free walking for years to come. So, once it is determined that a knee replacement is the best course of action, you become focused on having that completed.
However, before that procedure can take place, your doctor might want to have some testing completed on the health of your heart. There are stresses involved with undergoing something like a knee replacement (for this example), or many other kinds of operations. Some individuals may need to be screened and cleared prior to having their surgery performed, just to make sure their heart is deemed to be up to the task. If it is discovered that an existing heart condition will make the planned surgery too risky, other options may need to be considered.
The Drug Factor
If you are currently on medication for a heart condition, it’s likely that your doctor will want to address that issue and determine if alternative arrangements need to be made. Be sure to provide all necessary information to your doctor about anything you are taking so there are no surprises later on. Being on medication doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t be eligible for a certain treatment or operation, but that fact will need to be considered in the process.
Total Honesty is Essential
Along with your healthcare professionals, you play an important role in this process as well. Specifically, you need to be completely honest at every step with regard to how you are feeling. Are you noticing any new feelings or symptoms that could potentially be related to heart issues? Trying to be ‘tough’ and keeping those things to yourself is a dangerous mistake that could have serious consequences. Your care can only be tailored to your needs if you properly relay how you are feeling and any concerns you may have. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you are having a surgery that your body may not be able to handle, so hold nothing back when working with your doctors. Answer all questions honestly and openly and work together with the healthcare professionals to arrive at a plan for your care.
The Service You Deserve
Preoperative testing and clearance Los Angeles doesn’t have to be a major hassle. In fact, when you choose to work with Dr. David Filsoof and the staff here at Beverly Hills Cardiovascular, you should find that it is relatively quick and easy. In addition to this service, we also offer things like carotid ultrasound, tilt table examination, coronary artery bypass, and much more. Thank you for taking the time to visit our site and we look forward to serving you.