Heart Transplantation Evaluation

What is a Heart Transplant?
Even for someone with no medical knowledge or experience whatsoever, the concept of a heart transplant is easy to understand. A patient who has a failing heart is placed on a transplant list and waits for a healthy organ to come available. When a heart becomes available, it needs to be transplanted within hours of being removed from the donor, meaning these procedures are often urgent and the availability of an organ can be unpredictable. There are plenty of risks involved with this procedure, of course, but it can significantly extend the life – and improve the quality of life – of the patient. Starts with an Evaluation Given the serious nature of this treatment option, an extensive evaluation will be necessary before moving any further.
Visiting Beverly Hills Cardiovascular and discussing your needs with Dr. David Filsoof will allow you to have the opportunity to go over all the various issues involved with this complex treatment. To be a candidate for a heart transplant, the patient first needs to have a condition severe enough to call for such a procedure. Likely, the patient will have already undergone a variety of other treatments with limited success. In other words, this is not a treatment option that will be rushed into – all the other viable options need to be exhausted first. At the same time, having a new heart transplanted into your body is a significant event, and not all patients will be healthy enough to be placed on a transplant list. If a patient has other health issues that would impact his or her ability to withstand the trauma associated with a heart transplant, this will likely not be a viable option. Don’t Delay With something as big and intimidating as a heart transplant potentially waiting on the horizon, you might be tempted to put it off for a while. Of course, that would be a mistake. If you are going to look into this possibility by getting started with an evaluation, you should do so right away. Whether or not you are a good candidate for a heart transplant is yet to be seen, but nothing is going to be solved by procrastinating. Most likely, the passage of time is only going to allow your condition to worsen, and a transplant may become more difficult.
Contact our office today to make an appointment.
Call Beverly Hills Cardiovascular Today Heart transplantation evaluation can be the first step toward a life-saving procedure. Dr. David Filsoof and his team take your heart health very seriously. Whether you would like to discuss the possibility of receiving a heart transplant, or you have other issues on your mind, please contact us to schedule an appointment right away. In addition to heart transplantation evaluation Beverly hills, we offer many other services such as electrocardiogram, CT coronary angiogram, cardiac catheterization, and more. We hope to hear from you soon!