What are the Dangers of Antibiotics on My Heart?
In many cases, and for many people, antibiotics are a wonderful thing. They are able to work toward stopping infections that can be caused by bacteria, and the category of antibiotics as a whole deserves a tremendous amount of credit for the improvement of overall human health in recent generations. However, as with anything, there
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What Can Covid-19 Do to My Heart?
It has been a long time since the world has seen a public health event like the Covid-19 pandemic. As the virus and associated disease have spread across the globe, the impact has been felt by nearly all of mankind. This has been an incredible event to be sure, and many people are still coming
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Should I Consider EECP If My Medications Don’t Work?
If you continue to struggle with persistent angina episodes despite the use of medications, you may be looking for another option to improve your day to day heart health. For some patients, enhanced external counterpulsation will be a viable option. This treatment won’t be the right option for all individuals, so speak directly with your
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I Have a Blocked Artery. Should I Have a Stent or Surgery?
A blocked artery is an extremely serious medical condition. It’s no exaggeration to say that a blocked artery can put your life in danger, so seeking prompt medical attention is critical when you feel like something is wrong. If you are experiencing chest pains, shortness of breath, or any other signs associated with a heart
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Is the Weight Loss Pill ‘Contrave’ Right for Me?
If you have been overweight for most of your life, you are probably tired of the struggle. Not only do many people struggle with the self-confidence issues that can come with being overweight or obese, but there are countless negative health outcomes associated with those extra pounds. You would probably be happy to use just
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Why Do I Have Palpitations and When Should I Seek Help?
It’s easy to be scared by anything unusual happening with your heart. Ideally, you’d like it to just keep up its normal rhythm while you go on about your life thinking of other things. However, if you have heart palpitations from time to time, they may grab your attention and give you cause for concern.
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The Truth About Vitamins: When Do I Need a Supplement, and When Is Diet Enough?
It can be tricky when you are trying to do the right things to take care of your body. What should you be eating? How much should you exercise? Do you need vitamin supplements? It seems that there are more questions than answers in most cases, and some people just throw up their hands and
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I Have Osteoporosis, What Are My Treatment Options?
Osteoporosis is an extremely common bone condition which affects millions of people each year. While it is commonly associated with old age, it is possible for younger people to deal with this issue, as well. Unfortunately, it is possible that you won’t know anything is wrong until you experience a painful fracture, after which you
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What Foods Should Not Be Eaten Together?
How do you plan out what you are going to eat on a daily basis? If you are like many people, you don’t think about it much at all – you just eat whatever is available and easy to prepare. Maybe you are someone who eats out at local restaurants all the time, or maybe
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Why Am I Vitamin D Deficient, and What Are My Options?
Even if you don’t know much about general health and medicine, you probably know that vitamins are important. There are a number of vitamins which are important to human health, so it is important to supply your body with an appropriate amount of those vitamins on a regular basis. If you wind up becoming deficient
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