Best Daily Exercises for Your Heart !

Best Daily Exercises

It’s not much of a secret that getting regular exercise provides a long list of benefits to your overall health. Staying active can help you maintain a healthy weight, it can improve your odds of avoiding various diseases, and it can even put you in a better mood. Given the many benefits of exercise, it shouldn’t be a surprise that regular activity can be good for your heart, as well. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the best exercises for maintaining and improving heart health.

Before we get started, it is important to note that you should have permission from your doctor before performing any kind of exercise. Your doctor will be able to assess your health history and any known conditions before approving an exercise regimen. If one type of exercise is not seen as a good idea in the eyes of your doctor, he or she may be able to recommend a suitable alternative.


That’s right – one of the most common activities in life is actually something that can benefit your heart in the long run. While it might not seem like walking is a big deal or even much exercise, the sad reality is that many people walk far less than they think during a given day. For many adults, day to day life consists of long stretches in the car commuting to and from work, along with many hours sitting in a desk chair. When you add it all up, there hasn’t been much physical activity included in the day, and your heart hasn’t gotten much of a workout as a result.

You can start on this point by simply trying to incorporate more walking into your daily routine. You don’t even have to join a gym or buy any equipment to walk more – just make a point of making it happen! Try to hold ‘walking meetings’ at work, where you walk alongside someone else for a while to discuss the day’s business. With a bit of creativity, you should be able to find plenty of ways to add to your daily walking total while still keeping up with your busy schedule.


This is the natural next step up from walking, as running is going to cause your body to work harder due to the increased speed. While running can be great for your heart, and it can offer other health benefits, you also will run an increased chance of injury as compared to walking. If you do get into running as a regular form of exercise, be sure to increase your mileage gradually, letting your body adapt to the stress that landing stride after stride can impart on your joints. And, if you do start to notice an injury popping up, back off and get it the treatment that it needs.


Another cardio exercise, swimming is great because of the reduced impact that it offers, as compared to something like running. Those who have trouble keeping up with a running schedule to do ongoing injuries may find that the pool is a little more forgiving. Of course, you will need to know how to swim before this can be an option, and you will also need access to an aquatic facility. As is the case with running, it is still a good idea to build up your volume gradually, letting your body get stronger and fitter as you go. You may find that swimming for exercise is not only good for your body, but it can be downright enjoyable, as well.

Lifting Weights

Usually, when thinking about heart-healthy fitness activities, people think first about cardio. While it’s obvious that cardio can mean good things for your heart, there is also something to be said for weight training. Lifting weights frequently has a number of benefits, such as increasing your body’s fat burning capabilities due to increased muscle mass. Yet again, the importance of working gradually into this type of exercise needs to be stressed. If you simply sign up for a gym membership and start lifting heavy weights on your first visit, you’ll come away sore, frustrated, and possibly injured. Start with relatively light weights and let your body adapt gradually. If you have never before lifted weights, consider working with a personal trainer so you can learn the proper techniques.

Riding a Bike

Finally, we return to cardio for one more exercise idea – cycling. This is another one that many people find to be enjoyable, along with the health benefits it can provide. If you get into cycling and find that you enjoy the experience, you may be able to discover many great new places around your area that you had not before seen. Being able to enjoy the outdoors while improving your heart health is a win-win situation.

To work with a cardiologist in Beverly Hills who has the experience and knowledge to address any of your heart-related health concerns, please contact Beverly Hills Cardiovascular right away. Dr. Filsoof and our team will be proud to work hard in your best interests. Among the many services we offer include electrocardiogram, echocardiography, and nutrition assessment and weight management. Contact us today to learn more!

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